Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sun in Taurus in Virgo 9th house.April 21st-May 21st

    When the sun is in Taurus in Virgos 9th House Nature is asking virgos to discover the value of optimism.To go out and explore in order to increase their value.The more you travel,the more you experience higher learning the more valuable you become.Wealth and worth makes a philosopher of virgo.That means this transit Virgo must ask the right questions about what is value and what is wealth?Virgo is famous for looking at the minor details of things but when Taurus enters their 9th house it is the universe telling them that their is value in expanding their horizons and taking time out to see the big picture.
     Realize the value of optimism.When you have a Virgo eye for correcting mistakes your natural perspective is pessimistic.That's not a bad thing.It's what virgo does best.Seeing how to make something as close to perfect as it can be.There is surely value in this,however once a year Nature summons virgo to expand their perspective into big thinking.When they think big about wealth and about value and self worth as well as what they are capable of manifesting they can indeed meet the greener grass on the other side of the road.So this transit virgo, focus on the Value of Optimism.

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